Your questions

If you need to discuss something urgently, contact Childline (0800 1111) or if you’re over 18 speak to the Samaritans (116 123).

In emergency circumstances contact the emergency services (in the UK: 999).

Sibling Support is made by siblings, for siblings. Here we answer your questions.

You’ll find advice, information and animations relating to a number of key topics. If you have a question you want answering that isn’t answered here, message us.

We’ve collected a number of your questions and got people who have also experienced a sibling bereavement, health professionals and bereavement experts to try to answer them.


The resources are free and might help with your grief.

Read stories

Hear about others experiences of sibling bereavement.

Coping with grief

Find different coping mechanisms.

We are listening

Talk to us

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