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Sibling Support launches helpline with Child Bereavement UK
The UK’s only sibling specific bereavement charity, Sibling Support, has launched a new helpline with Child Bereavement UK.
Fundraisers take on the Brighton Marathon for Sibling Support
This weekend, three supporters - Jade, Victoria & Bron - are taking part in the Brighton Marathon Weekend to raise vital funds for Sibling Support.
Bereaved sibling launches a new immersive theatre show exploring grief.
B O U N D hopes to help people process and become more aware of the physical feelings of grief.
Survey reveals children empathize with grieving friends
80.74% of primary school children said they would know how to support a friend is someone important died.
Bereaved sister sells clothing to support Sibling Support
The Lonely Thoughts Clothing Company raises money for Sibling Support through clothing sales.
Sibling Support appears on BBC Breakfast
Sibling Support appeared on BBC Breakfast to raise awareness of sibling bereavement.
New website launched to help young people with grief
Sibling Support launches new website to help young people with grief.
Sibling Support hosts Downing Street event
Stars came out to support us ahead of International Siblings Day.
Our exclusive survey reveals sibling crisis
Nearly 90% of people whose brothers or sisters have died say grieving siblings are forgotten about.
Stephen Fry lends voice to our project
Stephen Fry has voiced a pioneering ‘mindfulness walk’ to support people experiencing grief.