90% of siblings feel forgotten

You can help us to help them…

Could you make a one off or monthly donation? 

We pride ourselves in offering our support for free.
But it costs Sibling Support…

£7 For every resource sent out to help thousands of families and professionals.

£60 For every talk we carry out. We reached 500 people last year.

£200 to arrange a wellbeing day for a family under our ‘new memories’ programme.

Give a Little,
Help a Lot





Every year around 4,000 young people die in the UK before they’ve had a chance to live their lives to the fullest.

Beside many of those is a sibling.

The death of a sibling at any age is detrimental. It’s even worse if effective support is not there from the start. Fractured families, loneliness, survivor syndrome, decades of depression, increased chances of mental health problems and even suicide.

At Sibling Support, we understand these challenges all too well.

As the only charity in the UK dedicated specifically to supporting bereaved siblings, we are committed to helping young people cope with their grief and find ways to express their emotions. We know it best as many of us involved have also experienced sibling bereavement.

The resources that Sibling Support provide are a significant part of bereavement support that we offer to families.
— The Royal London Hospital
It is so special to me. Sibling Support helped me so much. Being in a room with people who’ve lost a sibling. Before that I felt alone.
— Sibling
Young people say something they’ve been feeling is validated.
— Child death review nurse

There are other ways of making
donation as well:

  • Payroll Giving is a way of giving money to us without paying tax on it. It is very easy and makes donations cheaper for you.

    Once set up you don’t have to do anything else. Your employer likely already has a scheme in place and some companies match your donation, doubling the amount coming to us.

    A donation of £20 to Sibling Support costs you:

    £16 for basic rate taxpayers (20%)

    £12 for higher rate taxpayers (40%)

    £11 for the highest rate taxpayers (45%)

    Speak to your payroll team and tell them you’d like to start making donations to Sibling Support (Charity Number: 1189271). You can choose how much to donate and are free to cancel when you wish.

    If you’re having problems or have any questions, ask our team: hello@siblingsupport.co.uk and we will help.

  • A bank transfer can be made directly to our charity account:

    Bank: Barclays

    Account name: SIBLING SUPPORT

    Account number: 23791165

    Sort code: 20 11 43

    Please let us know if you need a receipt for the donation.

  • Thank you for thinking of us.

    If you are looking to make a donation in the name of a loved one to fund a specific project, event or something bespoke, we would love to help you. Please email hello@siblingsupport.co.uk.

    You can also make a donation in memory of someone via the buttons above, or via bank transfer or a cheque. If you use any of these methods, please do write to us to tell us the donation has been made in memory of someone as we would like to recognise the contribution.

    It is also really easy to create a tribute fundraising page in memory of someone you love. You can start now.

  • We welcome donations that are earmarked for specific projects.

    Please email hello@siblingsupport.co.uk to discuss this further.

    We’re happy to suggest existing projects, future plans or hear your own ideas.

  • As a corporate supporter we don’t just want you to help us out, we also want to support you.

    We work closely alongside companies and their staff to deliver meaningful impact.

    We’re happy to chat hello@siblingsupport.co.uk to discuss things further.

    Members of our team have organised fulfilling volunteer days, supported fundraising, press coverage, given inspirational talks and even helped one company make the world’s largest packet of crisps for charity.

  • You can send cheques made payable to SIBLING SUPPORT and sent, via signed for delivery, to Sibling Support, The White House, 2 Meadrow, Godalming, Surrey, GU7 3HN.

    Please let us know if you need a receipt for the donation.


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