How to cope with exams
It can be very difficult to cope with the pressure of exams and deadlines if your brother or sister has died. Here are some tips to help you if you have exams coming up:
Ask for support: Your school, college or university should have procedures in place to support you. Your school may be able to take into account a recent death when they mark your work, or possibly extend deadlines or provide alternative exam arrangements. Speak to a teacher or lecturer you trust to find out how they can help you during this time.
Tell people how you feel: It’s okay to be sad or anxious but talking to people about how you feel can make a big difference. You don’t need to be alone. People will be able to help you more if you tell them how you feel.
Give yourself a break: Exams are important, but remember they are not everything. It is more important to look after yourself. Grief can make it difficult to concentrate on schoolwork for a while, so don’t be too hard on yourself.
Exercise: You might not want to exercise if you’re feeling sad and have studying to do but getting some fresh air and going for a walk, a run, or a cycle can help your mental and physical health. You can try Sibling Support yoga and get some exercise tips and workouts from Joe Wicks in our coping with grief section.