What is ‘grief’?
Grief is a reaction to someones death. Everyone experiences grief differently.
It’s very normal and this animation below explains what grief can be like.
There are as many ways to grieve as there are people in the world, you may feel overwhelmed with different feelings, or you may feel very little at all.
You might see those around you, like parents or friends, grieving in a totally different way to you.
Some people compare their grief and think they’re ‘doing it wrong’. It is extremely normal for people to grieve differently.
What is most important is being kind to yourself. Giving yourself time when you need it, taking a break if you’re feeling overwhelmed and practicing some self-care.
Fiona, whose sister died, says there is no right way to grieve but a great way to start is by talking about your siblings death.
Speaking to others, friends, family, teachers, colleagues or whoever is a really good way to express your feelings.
You’ll find lots more advice, like that from Fiona, in our stories section.
If you’re looking for outlets for your grief check out our coping with grief section.